Keystoning, 42
replacing, 89–91
installing the new
lamp, 90–91
lamp type, 121
removing the old lamp, 89–90
Lamp indicator, 48
Lamp on/off key, 12, 39, 47
Lighting the lamp, 11
Mac-to-LCD adapter, 27
MAC-to-LCD connector
cable, 26
Macintosh connections, 26
Main menu, 61–62
Advanced, 62
Audio, 61
Cyclops, 61
Image, 61
Input Source, 61
Preferences, 62
Projector, 61
Tools, 61
Maintenance, 87–96
cleaning the air filters, 91–96
cleaning the lens
and mirror, 87
cleaning the projection
window, 88
replacing the lamp, 89–91
MENU key, 13, 47
Menus, 61–70
Advanced, 70
Audio, 67
changing the language, 50
Cyclops, 63
Image, 65, 66
Input Source, 64
Main, 61–62
Preferences, 69
Projector, 68
reverting to
factory defaults, 51
saving your settings, 50
Tools, 62
using, 50–51
MIC, 23
monitor connection, 22–23
MouseDisk, 13, 47
Moving the projector, 20
while open, 20
Mute, 12, 47, 53
MUTE key, 12, 47
connections, 27–28
setting the projector as
an external monitor, 28
Opening the projector, 16
indicator, 14, 40, 48
128 Index