4 Use the SGI 13C3-to-LCD connector cable (part number
C943-6) to link the projector to the computer. Connect the
end marked LCD to the projector COMPUTER IN connector,
and the end marked COMPUTER to the SGI workstation
video-output connector.
Proceed to the section
Connecting video and audio
Workstations with 13C3 connectors (except SGI)
1 Disconnect your computer-to-monitor cable at the computer
2 Connect the free end of the monitor cable to the projector
COMPUTER OUT connector.
3 Use the 13C3-to-LCD connector cable (part number C801-6)
to link the projector to the computer. Connect the end
marked LCD to the projector COMPUTER IN connector, and
the end marked COMPUTER to the computer video-output
Proceed to the section
Connecting video and audio
Workstations with BNC connectors
1 Note which BNC connectors you are currently using with
the monitor. (You always use the R, G, and B connectors,
but the way you use the H and V connectors depends on the
computer configuration.) Disconnect your computer-to-
monitor cable at the monitor (BNC) end.
2 Connect the free BNC end to the optional BNC block-to-LCD
connector cable (part number C942-2), connecting the same
BNC connectors used on the monitor. Plug the LCD end of
the cable into the projector COMPUTER IN connector.
3 Connect the optional BNC-to-LCD connector cable (part
number C803-6) to the projector COMPUTER OUT connec-
tor and the monitor BNC-video input. Use the same BNC
connections used with the monitor.
Proceed to the section
Connecting video and audio
Introduction 9