SN0054671-00 B Index-1
–pr <protocol> command 2-78
definition of Glossary-1
port beacon, definition of Glossary-1
port, definition of Glossary-1
adding team members 2-28
advanced stateless offload features 1-2
Agency certification, QLogic Adapters xix
agents, remote 2-45
airborne contaminants 1-4
alias, definition of Glossary-1
altitude ranges 1-4
audience for this guide xvi
adjusting 2-47
allocation 2-42
maximum 2-38, 2-55
minimum 2-38, 2-55
QCC CLI option 2-58
QCC GUI, setting with 2-53
user-configurable 2-38
Windows Device Manager, modifying in 2-65
Basic input output system, See BIOS
BIOS, boot devices, configuring in 4-4
BIOS, definition of Glossary-1
devices, BIOS, configuring with 4-4
devices, configuring with QCC CLI 4-3
devices, configuring with QCC GUI 4-3
devices, definition of Glossary-1
from SAN, definition of Glossary-1
iSCSI boot setup 3-6
challenge-handshake authentication protocol,
CHAP, definition of Glossary-1
Citrix, NPAR supported platforms for 2-39
CNA Function Configuration Utility 1-5, 1-8
command line options for QLflash 1-7
Completion Queue Size parameter 2-9
configuration, management tools for 2-44
configuration, NPAR options 2-42, 2-69
driver software parameters 2-6
iSCSI function 3-3
NPAR 2-40
NPAR with QCC CLI 2-55
PXE boot 2-3
Converged Network Adapter 1-1, Glossary-1
copper cables xxiv
CRC, definition of Glossary-1
creating a team 2-21
cyclic redundancy check, See CRC
DCHP, configuring to support iSCSI boot 3-8
DCHP, definition of Glossary-2