
Chapter 8: Device Management
4. Type the Agent Community String (the device's string). An SNMP
community is the group that devices and management stations
running SNMP belong to. It helps define where information is sent.
The community name is used to identify the group. The SNMP
device or agent may belong to more than one SNMP community.
5. Specify whether the community is Read-Only or Read-Write using
the Type drop-down list.
6. Configure up to five SNMP managers by specifying their Destination
IP, Port #, and Community.
7. Click the "Click here to view the Dominion- SNMP MIB" link to
access the SNMP Management Information Base.
8. Click OK.
Syslog Configuration
To configure the Syslog (enable Syslog forwarding):
1. Choose the Enable Syslog Forwarding option to log the device's
messages to a remote Syslog server.
2. Type the IP Address of your Syslog server in the IP Address field.
3. Click OK.
To reset to factory defaults:
Click the Reset To Defaults button.
Note: Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
Note: IPv6 addresses cannot exceed 80 characters in length for the host