RRC Status Bar
The Status Bar at the bottom of the Raritan Remote Client window conveys information about the status of
your remote connection session to IP-Reach.
Video Sensing Status / Path Indicator
Indicates the occurrence of video sensing.
Bandwidth Usage Indicator
Indicates how much of your total available bandwidth is currently being used. The Connection Speed
setting, found under the Compression tab of the Connection Properties screen, determines total available
Security Indicator
Indicates whether the current remote connection is protected by encryption. Encryption requirements are
set during IP-Reach configuration (see Chapter 4). When an IP-Reach device is configured for No
encryption or SSL Authentication, NO data encryption, the Security Indicator is represented on the
Status Bar as an open lock. When SSL authentication, data encryption or SSL authentication, SSL
encryption is selected, the Security Indicator is represented on the Status Bar as a closed lock.
Concurrent Connections Indicator
Indicates if multiple remote users are currently connected to the same IP-Reach path, showing one icon for
a single connected user, and two icons if two or more users are connected.
Concurrent connection ability can be set globally under PC Share Mode on the Security Configuration
screen (see Chapter 4), or set per individual user in the Concurrent Access Mode setting on the User
Account Settings screen (see Chapter 4).
Lock Key Indicators
Indicates the status of the current Target Server, with respect to the activation of the Caps-Lock, Num-Lock,
and Scroll-Lock keys. If these keys are enabled on the Target Server being viewed, this affirmative status
will be reflected on the Status Bar as indicated.