3. The Group Account Settings screen appears.
a. Type the Group Account name in the Group Name field. The name can consist of alpha-numeric
characters, up to 23 characters long, and the first character cannot be a number.
b. Use the <Ç> and <È> arrow keys or the <TAB> key to move through the line items, and press
the <SPACE BAR> to toggle choices from YES to NO. When finished, press <CTRL> + <S> to
save your data, press <ESC> to exit the screen without saving.
4. Press <CTRL> + <S> to save changes.
Assign Port Access Permissions
By default, all new User Groups have no access rights to any of IP-Reach’s KVM and serial ports. Access
permissions must be assigned for each user group.
1. While in the Group Account Settings screen for a user group – whether creating a new group, or
editing an existing group – press <CTRL>+<T> to select Node Settings.
2. The Node Settings Menu appears, listing each KVM and Serial Port configured on your IP-Reach.
3. Use the <Ç> and <È> arrow keys to scroll through each KVM and Serial Port configured on your IP-
Reach, and press the <SPACE> key to toggle between:
a. NONE – Users in this group do not have permissions to access this KVM or Serial Port at all. The port will
not even be displayed as an option for users in this group.
b. READ ONLY – Users in this group have permission to view this KVM or Serial console port, but do not
have the ability to control it (type, move the mouse, etc.).
c. READ WRITE – Users in this group have permission to view this KVM or Serial console port, and have the
ability to control it.
4. Press <CTRL>+<S> to Save.