BioOptix™ 10
Section 3 Operation
The Fast Forward button is active after clicking the Stop button.
The Fast Forward button allows you to skip to the next block in
the experiment or abort the run.
3.8 Post-experiment
3.8.1 Pump Flush At the completion of the experiment, the BioOptix 10 provides
the option to flush the pumps (Figure 3-10). The pump flush will
pass a wash fluid through the pumps to prevent salts from crys-
tallizing in the system.
Salts will cause premature wear to the internal components
and eventually pump failure.
Figure 3-10 Pump flush option
If another experiment will be started immediately, this flush can
be skipped. Otherwise, if the system will remain idle for a few
hours or even overnight, the pump flush is recommended.
Flush the pumps for
1. Click the Ye s option to flush the pumps. This opens the
BioOptix 10 flush window (Figure 3-11).
Figure 3-11 Flush window
2. Select the channels to be flushed.