Click on [Cancel] to close the screen.
Enter the IP address of the GA-1040 printer in
the “Name or address of server providing lpd”
field and a queue name in the “Name of printer
or print queue on that server” field, and click
on [OK]
• When you use the WINS server, enter the print
server name of the GA-1040 printer provided from the
WINS server in the “Name or address of server
providing lpd” field.
• In the “Name of printer or print queue on that server”
field, you have to enter a queue name, direct, hold, or
print, on the GA-1110 printer. Enter a queue
depending on how you operate the printing.
direct - print jobs are sent straight to the printer
without spooling.
hold - print jobs are held until users operate copying
or moving them to the Print queue with the job
management tools.
print - print jobs are spooled to the hard disk in the
GA-1110 printer and print out. Use this queue for a
general printing.
: The Hold queue and Print queue are only available when the HDD option, PS3 & HDD
Upgrade (GE-1030), is installed.