4. Press the CLEAR key and try the operation again; an improper command
may have been used.
Transactions Do
Not Work
1. Perform your transactions using several credit cards to ensure the problem
is not a defective card. When sliding the cards through the cardreader,
be sure the magnetic stripe faces down and to the right of the terminal.
2. Your application may not be properly loaded.
3. Perform a manual transaction using the keypad instead of the cardreader.
If the transaction works, call the toll free VeriFone Customer Support Hot
Line to have your terminal repaired or replaced.
Keypad Does Not
1. Check your display panel. If it displays the wrong characters or nothing at
all, refer to the first item in this troubleshooting section, "Display Panel
Does Not Display Correct Information."
2. Press several keys. If Memory Location 0009 contains a "0," you should
hear a short beep each time you press a key. If key beep works, make
sure you are entering the correct data.
3. Run the Keypad Test described in Section 4 of the TRANZ 460 Reference
Manual to ensure the keypad components are working properly.
4. If Memory Location 0009 contains a "0" or is <empty> and you do not hear
a beep, or if the keys do not operate as the applicaton says they should,
contact the MRA desk.
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
3 - 10 TRANZ 460 Terminal