Ticket Only
Follow these steps to process Ticket Only transactions.
Note: This transaction is always processed offline.
Display Response
1. READY **nnn**
Press the [5] key, labeled TKT ONLY.
Enter the manager password if required,
then press [ENTER]. The display echoes
each keypress with an asterisk.
3. itm ENTER ACCT # Slide the card through the cardreader or en-
ter the account number on the keyboard,
then press [ENTER]. If entry is made via the
cardreader, go to Step 5.
4. EXPIRY DATE MMYY Enter the 4-digit card expiration date using 2
digits each for the month and year, then
press [ENTER].
Note: Prompts in Step 5 and Steps 7 through 15 may or may not appear, de-
pending upon options selected in Setup.
5. OPERATOR ID Enter the 4-digit operator ID number, then
press [ENTER].
6. AMOUNT OF SALE ? Enter the amount of the sale without the deci-
mal, then press [ENTER].
7. TAX AMOUNT Enter the tax amount without a decimal, then
press [ENTER]. If TAX CALC is enabled, the
terminal automatically calculates the tax
based on the tax rate. If both are enabled,
the TAX AMOUNT overrides tax calculation.
8. RETAIL TERMS Enter the 4-digit retail terms, then press
9. PHONE ORDER? Y/N Enter [9] for "Y" if this is a phone order, or
[6] for "N" if it is not, then press [ENTER].
Press [ENTER] only for no Phone Order.
10. ENTER AUTH CODE Enter the authorization code, up to 6 alpha-
numeric characters, then press [ENTER].
11. DESC CODE Enter the descriptor code, up to 4 sets, then
press [ENTER].
12. ENTER INVOICE # Enter the invoice number up to 8 digits, then
press [ENTER].
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
6 - 10 TRANZ 460 Terminal