Appendix E. ZONTALK 2000
Download Parameters
ZONTALK 2000 is the VeriFone download program that simplifies the proc-
ess of updating or completely reprogramming your VeriFone terminal. De-
signed to run on an IBM PC, XT, AT or compatible, ZONTALK 2000 per-
forms modem downloads to your terminals in the field or direct downloads to
terminals physically connected via RS-232 cable to the computer’s serial port.
To obtain a ZONTALK 2000 download of the FDC Retail Debit Purchasing
Card application, you must program the following memory locations with spe-
cific information. Refer to Section 4 of this reference manual for an explana-
tion of how to program the contents of a field location.
Location Information to Enter
0000 Enter the phone number of a computer running ZONTALK 2000
0001 Enter the serial number of the terminal.
0019 Enter the application ID (FRET462). Call your customer service
representative for the most current application ID.
0960 Enter the download speed. A "2" enables the terminal to
download at 1200 baud. A "1" enables the terminal to
download at 300 baud.
When you receive a download from ZONTALK 2000, certain memory loca-
tions (parameters) will already have a default setting. These settings may be
changed later through the terminal setup function or through manual
programming of the terminal. The following list contains the ZONTALK 2000
parameters for the FDC Purchasing Card application. The list is organized in
four columns containing a description of the contents, the memory location,
the data type code, and the field length.
Data Type Codes
Codes Description Legal Character Set
A Alphabet [A..Z, a..z, #, -, ., space]
N Numbers [0..9]
X Alphanumeric [space...~]
P Phone [0..9, -, *, #,A,L,P,T,space]
Q Question [Y,N]
B Binary [0,1]
I IBM [full IBM ASCII set]
TRANZ 460 Terminal E - 1