Disconnecting Ports
There are three different methods for disconnecting ports, the Resident Disconnect, the Third
Party Disconnect, and the No Activity Timeout. Providing the Timeout feature is enabled, a
No Activity Timeout will disconnect resident ports or third party ports.
Note: Option 74 in the Port Parameters Menu determines how the DTR signal will
react when the port disconnects. The DTR signal can either be held low, held high,
or pulsed and then held high.
1. Resident Disconnect: Disconnects your resident port from another port. For example, if
you are communicating via Port 3, and Port 3 is connected to Port 4, a Resident
Disconnect would be used to disassociate the two ports. The CMS offers two different
Resident Disconnect command formats; the Three Character Format and the One
Character Format (for more information, please refer to Section 5.5.3.):
a) Three Characters (Default): Uses the format “[Enter]LLL[Enter]”, where L is the
selected Logoff Character. The Default Resident Disconnect Sequence is
b) One Character: When the One Character Disconnect Sequence is selected, simply
enter the selected Logoff Character once (Default = +). Note that it is not necessary
to enter a carriage return before or after the Logoff Character.
c) If the default Resident Disconnect Sequence is not compatible with your application,
both the command format and Logoff Character can be redefined via the Port
Configuration menus, as described in Section 5.5.
2. Third Party Disconnect: (Supervisor Mode Only) The /D command is issued from your
resident port to disconnect two third party ports. For example, if your Resident Port is
Port 1, a Third Party Disconnect would be used to disconnect Port 3 from Port 4.
a) The /D command uses the format: /D xx XX [Enter], where xx and XX are the
numbers of the ports that you wish to disconnect, if an N is entered, the command will
disconnect the Network Port.
b) The /D (Disconnect) command can only be invoked by a port with access to
Supervisor Level commands.
c) The /D command can specify both connected ports, or either of the two ports. For
example, if Port 1 is your resident port, any of the following commands can be used
to disconnect Port 3 from Port 4:
/D 3 [Enter]
/D 4 [Enter]
d) The /D command can also be used to disconnect a remote user from the Network Port.
This is useful in cases where a remote user has unsuccessfully disconnected via telnet,
and you do not wish to wait for the CMS to timeout in order to free up the TCP port
for other users. To disconnect a TCP port, type /D Nn and then press [Enter].
Where Nn is one of the CMS's six available logical TCP ports (e.g. /D N2 [Enter]).
CMS Series - Console Management Switches, User's Guide Operation