high-level language Programming language consisting of words and symbols that are
close to normal English and, therefore, readily understandable by the
user. High-level source languages are used for most commercial
host Computer accessed by users which serves as a source of high-
speed data processing for workstations with less computer power.
Commonly referred to as mainframe.
host interface Connection between network and host computer.
HSB A printing industry standard color definition model in which all colors
are defined in terms of values for hue, saturation, and brightness.
Refer to color definition model.
identifier (id) Characters used to identify or name data and possibly to indicate
certain properties of that data.
image area Area on a physical page that may contain text or graphics.
implementation Process of installing system hardware and software. Also the
process of converting a design into an actual working system.
impressions per minute (ipm) The number of pages (one side) a printer can print during the space
of one minute. Used interchangeably with pages per minute (ppm).
in-front page A term that refers to the top page of a double-sided sheet.
initialize 1. To prepare the magnetic surface of a blank diskette so that it can
accept data. 2. To set all information in a computer system to its
starting values (usually the first step is accomplished when a
program is booted).
interface Hardware that provides physical connection and electronic
communication between two hardware devices.
Internet Protocol (IP) address Refers to an address of any host that uses TCP/IP network protocol.
IOT Image Output Terminal. See printer.
IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream.
IPS IPDS Printing System.
JDE job descriptor entry. Collection of job descriptions. See also job; JSL.
JDL job descriptor library. Collection of compiled job descriptions. See
also JSL.