raster output scanner (ROS) Raster output scanner. A motor–driven laser scanning system.
Read-Only Memory (ROM) Solid-state memory for programs. It cannot be rewritten.
read/write head A small electromagnet that reads, writes, and erases data in the form
of magnetic dots on the surface of an external storage medium, such
as a magnetic disk.
real time To process transactions as they are entered into a system. User and
system interchange allow transactions to be processed and the
results returned to the user.
resolution The number of dots per unit. An imaging system converts a
character from digitized data into a printed image composed of these
tiny dots. The greater the number of dots per inch (i.e., higher the
resolution), the clearer the image is produced.
sequencing Method of ordering messages, records within a file, or statements in
a program according to rank or time of entry.
sequential In numeric sequence, usually in ascending order. As applied to a file
organization, describes files in which records are written one after
another and cannot be randomly accessed. For example, the first 99
records in a sequential file-access file have to be read before the
100th record is accessible.
short-edge feed (SEF) The movement of paper through the printer in the direction of the
paper width (the shorter side of a sheet of paper).
simplex printing Printing on one side of the page. See also duplex printing.
small computer system interface (SCSI) An accepted standard for connecting devices to computers.
software Programs, including operating systems, procedures, utilities,
applications programs, etc., written for a system.
software application See application software.
spooling Process of releasing data from main memory and storing it
temporarily until a peripheral device is ready to accept it, e.g., storing
text before sending it to a printer.
string Connected sequence of alphanumeric characters treated as one unit
of data by a program.
SunOS Operating system developed primarily by Sun Microsystems for use
on Sun computers and workstations. SunOS provides inherent
support for UNIX and for TCP/IP.