Xerox 4635 Printer User Manual

Bypass Transport Optional module that moves paper from the last stacker bin to a
finishing device.
byte Fixed number of bits (in data processing, usually 8) operated
upon as a unit. A byte may represent a character, a machine
instruction, or some other logical unit of information.
carriage return Control character that causes the printing system to start printing
at the left margin of the current line unless set to be interpreted
as a line end.
channel 1. In data communications, a path or line that enables two or
more devices to communicate (sometimes called a circuit,
facility, or link). 2. In computers, a path for communication
between the central processing unit (CPU) and input/output
units, or between the CPU and peripheral devices.
character Single printable letter (A-Z), numeral (0-9), symbol (& % #), or
punctuation mark (, . ! ?) used to represent data. Characters can
also be nonprinting, such as space, tab, or carriage return.
character set Number of different characters used by a particular device,
including alphabetic, numeric, and special characters such as
CME copy modification entry. Entry modifying the output printing
characteristics of a report on a copy-to-copy basis.
code 1. Set of symbols representing data or instructions to a
computer. 2. To write a list of instructions (software) to cause
the product/system to perform specified operations.
code conversion Translation of one type of character or symbol code to another.
collate To arrange or assemble into ordered sets.
column Vertical arrangement of characters.
command User instruction to a computer, using the system controller
keyboard or the PC UI. Commands are words, mnemonics, or
characters that cause a computer to perform predefined
operations. Coded instruction to a computer or computer-based
command language Set of commands that can be used for a system, such as how the
system can be instructed to perform a task.
communication line Telecommunication line connecting devices at one location with
devices at other locations in order to transmit and receive