LEF long-edge feed. The movement of paper through the printer in
the direction of the paper length (the longer side of a sheet of
legal size Sheet the standard size of legal briefs, 8.5 by 14 inches.
letter size Paper sized 8.5 by 11 inches/216 by 279 mm.
library In data storage, a collection of related files or programs.
line One horizontal flow of characters.
line printer High-speed printer that prints an entire line of characters at one
link Line connecting two or more intelligent terminals or nodes in a
listing Printout or display of the statements in a program, usually used
as a convenience in examining or editing programs.
load To enter data into storage or working registers.
location Place in which data can be stored.
log Collection of messages or message segments placed on an
auxiliary storage device for accounting or data collection
logical page In the Xerox printing systems environment, a formatted page that
is smaller than the physical page. A logical page is defined by an
origin, thus allowing more than one logical page to be placed on
a physical page.
logo Small illustration or design, usually simple, typically used to
identify a company.
log off Procedure by which a user ends a session.
log on Procedure by which a user begins a session between an
application program and a logical unit.
low-level language Language that is close to machine language so that each written
instruction in a program can be converted to machine language
on a one-to-one basis.
machine language Binary code that can be read directly by a computer's central
processing unit (CPU). All programming languages are eventually
broken down into machine language for execution by the
computer. See also computer language.