134 Chapter 3
File Tree Layouts on the Managed-Node Platforms
File Tree Layout on Novell NetWare Managed Nodes
System Resources adapted by ITO on Novell
During agent software installation, ITO modifies the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
ITO agent start up command OPCAGT.NCF is added.
The following resources are changed during the ITO agent for NetWare
❏ OPCAGT.NFC is added to invoke the ITO agent for NetWare software
if this command is not already present in this file
❏ LOAD REMOTE <remote_console_password> is added to invoke
the remote console if the user does not yet have a correctly installed
remote console
❏ LOAD XCONSOLE is added to invoke the X-windows console if you
have not yet correctly installed this product
❏ <server_name> <IP_address> is added for the NetWare server
that is currently installed with ITO agent software if this line is not
already present in this file
❏ <mng_server_name> <IP_address> is added when you answer
(Y)es to the question “Do you want to add the ITO management
server to SYS:ETC/HOSTS file?” if this line is not already present in
the HOSTS file
Description OPC_OP is a special user with rights equivalent to
NetWare system administrator ADMIN
Home Directory Not set
Login Shell NetWare deals with login scripts; user OPC_OP does
not have any login script assigned
Field Entry