
Chapter 5 251
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcragt -start
Monitored Objects
Table 5-30 Object Thresholds on the Management Server
Table 5-31 illustrates what the threshold values are for the various
monitors supplied with ITO for the managed nodes and how often it is
compared to the actual value. Although in most cases threshold values
and polling intervals are the same across platforms some of the utilities
do not run on all the platforms. Such instances are indicated in Table
5-31 by footnotes. You may want to adjust the polling interval to a value
more suitable to your environment.
Object Description Threshold
disk_util Monitors disk space utilization on the root
90% 10m
distrib_mon Monitors the software distribution process 20% 10m
mondbfile Monitors free space on disk, and the
remaining space available for Oracle
autoextend datafiles
0% 10m
proc_util Monitors process table utilization 75% 5m
swap_util Monitors SWAP utilization; this value can
only be monitored on HP-UX versions 8.07
or higher
80% 5m