Chapter 5 187
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
You can add, modify, or delete message groups with the Message Group
Bank window on the ITO GUI, while working as ITO administrator.
The Message Browser
The Message Browser window contains key information concerning
incoming messages. Each line of the Message Browser window displays
a single message and its attributes. ITO displays a value beneath each
attribute for each message. A dash indicates that the message does not
have a value matching the attribute: for example, a dash in the A column
indicates that no automatic action has been configured for this
message. See Figure 5-1 on page 189.
Understanding the Message Browser Headline
The first column in the Message Browser window headline is Sev.,
which tells you at a glance the severity status of the message. The ITO
administrator assigns a severity level to a message based on its
importance in a given operator’s environment. To comply with telecom
standards, ITO recognizes six severity levels. Table 5-2 on page 188
describes ITO’s severity levels:
Performance Messages related to hardware (CPU, disk, process)
and software (for example, HP OpenView
PerfView) malfunctions.
SNMP Messages generated by SNMP traps.
Security Messages related to security violations or attempts
to break into a system.