40 Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Installing ITO Agent Software
Managed Node Requirements
Software Requirements for SCO UnixWare Managed
The following software must be installed on SCO UnixWare managed
❏ Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.
❏ UnixWare Networking Support Utilities:
• nsu 2.1
❏ UnixWare internet utilities software:
• inet 2.1
❏ DCEcore 1.1
❏ For use in NFS cluster-client operations, the following version of the
UnixWare NFS product must be installed on the managed node:
• nfs 2.1
Software Requirements for Sequent DYNIX/ptx
Managed Nodes
The following software must be installed on Sequent managed nodes:
❏ Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.
❏ Sequent local area network product: ptx/LAN version 4.0.1. or higher
❏ Sequent TCP/IP product: ptx/TCP/IP version 4.0.3 or higher
❏ Gradient NCS 1.5.1 package NckNidl.
If NCS is not found on the managed node, ITO installs llbd and
lb_admin during the ITO agent software installation.
Software Requirements for SGI IRIX Managed Nodes
The following software must be installed on IRIX managed nodes:
❏ Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.