
40 Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Installing ITO Agent Software
Managed Node Requirements
Software Requirements for SCO UnixWare Managed
The following software must be installed on SCO UnixWare managed
Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.
UnixWare Networking Support Utilities:
nsu 2.1
UnixWare internet utilities software:
inet 2.1
DCEcore 1.1
For use in NFS cluster-client operations, the following version of the
UnixWare NFS product must be installed on the managed node:
nfs 2.1
Software Requirements for Sequent DYNIX/ptx
Managed Nodes
The following software must be installed on Sequent managed nodes:
Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.
Sequent local area network product: ptx/LAN version 4.0.1. or higher
Sequent TCP/IP product: ptx/TCP/IP version 4.0.3 or higher
Gradient NCS 1.5.1 package NckNidl.
If NCS is not found on the managed node, ITO installs llbd and
lb_admin during the ITO agent software installation.
Software Requirements for SGI IRIX Managed Nodes
The following software must be installed on IRIX managed nodes:
Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.