
Chapter 4 181
Software Maintenance on Managed Nodes
Debugging Software (De-)Installation on Managed Nodes
Debugging Software (De-)Installation on
Managed Nodes
ITO provides facilities for debugging the (de-)installation of the ITO
software on the managed nodes. These tools help developers when
testing ITO installation scripts for new platforms, and assist users in
examining errors that occur during the installation of the ITO agent
The following facilities are available:
tracing prints shell commands and their arguments from
installation programs into a file specified in the file
inst_debug.conf as argument of the environment
variable OPC_DEBUG_FILE.
Event tracing can be used in addition to command tracing to record
important events of the installation process into the
existing installation logfile
The (de-)installation process can be debugged both locally (on the
management server) and remotely (on the managed node). A debug
definition file inst_debug.conf is provided to force debugging and to
specify debug options. The debug facility is, therefore, available
regardless of whether the script inst.sh is invoked manually or called
by the ITO GUI.
Enabling (De-)Installation Debugging
The file inst_debug.conf must be edited before starting the
installation process. It can only be edited by user root.
1. Copy the file inst_debug.conf, enter:
cp /etc/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/inst_debug.conf
\ /var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/inst_debug.conf
2. Edit your copy of the file inst_debug.conf by uncommenting the
desired environment variables and by changing the appropriate