
208 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Start in window (input/output)
System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) (AIX)
ITO can start the SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) Xuser
interface on AIX systems.
Command issued: smit
Default user: root (user must be root!)
Default password: none required, because application is started via the
ITO action agent.
NOTE If the default user has been changed by the operator, you must supply a
Virtual Terminal and Applications Configured to Use
Window (Input/Output)
For a virtual terminal connection to UNIX systems, ITO uses rlogin for
remote login.
NOTE Make sure that the rlogind has not been configured with the -B (for
banner file) option in the inetd.conf file; this causes problems with the
remote login procedure for Window (Input/Output) applications.
If an .rhosts (or /etc/hosts.equiv) entry is available for the
specified user, or if the default or configured password fits, a remote login
is performed. For a more detailed explanation, see “UNIX Access to the
Managed Node for ITO Users” on page 200.
Default user: opc_op
Default password: none configured
For a virtual terminal connection to MPE/iX systems, ITO uses vt3k as
virtual terminal emulator for HP 3000 nodes running MPE/iX. For ARPA
host name to NS node name mapping, see the section “ARPA-to-NS
Node-Name Mapping for MPE/iX” on page 128.
Default user: MGR.OVOPR