Chapter 10 479
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
License Maintenance
• check whether the user has enough licenses for his environment
The opclic command accepts the following parameters and usage:
opclic { -add <license_pwd> [-force] } |
{ -list } |
{ -delete } |
{ -report } |
{ -help }
For more information on what the various opclic parameters do, see
Table 10-17 on page 479.
Table 10-17 Command-line Options for opclic
Description Notes
add adds new license
• opclic does not allow more than one server
license password in the license file.
• Passwords added using unsupported
methods are invalid: ITO will not start, and
the invalid password(s) must be removed
with opclic (see also list).
• Use the optional force parameter to replace
licenses. Note that the server-license
password is not overwritten if the force
parameter is not set: a warning message is
written to stdout instead.
list lists the installed ITO
opclic supports <license_types>. For more
information on what types of licence are
available in ITO, see Table 10-16 on page 478.