
Chapter 5 283
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
NOTE To correct time differences between the different time resources used by
the ITO C-routines and the MPE/iX intrinsics and commands, the
TIMEZONE variable must be set on MPE/iX managed nodes. If not,
messages can be sent to the wrong management server as they are
processed using the incorrect time. For information about setting the
TIMEZONE variable for MPE/iX nodes, see Chapter 2 of the HP
OpenView IT/Operations Administrator’s Reference.
The following examples show various ways to specify time formats in the
time templates:
No Time
If you do not specify a particular time, day of the week, or year, ITO
assumes that you want the condition to be true for 24 hours, from
00:00 to 24:00 every day of the year.
ITO requires you set up a time template for the message target rules
even if the scheduled action does not depend on time. You can use the
variable OPC_ALWAYS to configure time templates when the condition
is always true.
Specific Dates or Times
If you specify a condition, ITO assumes the conditions should
continually exist for the time/day specified. For example:
If you specify only Tuesday, ITO will evaluate the condition as true
every Tuesday from 00:01 to 23:59 throughout the year, every
year. Use the syntax:
Specifying January 1 and nothing else will match a condition
every January 1st of every year. Use the syntax:
DATE ON 01/01/*
Time Periods
For example:
To set a time period from 7:00 to 17:00, use the syntax:
TIME FROM 7:00 TO 17:00
To set a time period from Monday to Friday, use the syntax: