Chapter 2 93
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
❏ Make sure that the entry root is not contained in the
/etc/ftpusers file; Otherwise the installation of ITO agents to the
managed nodes will fail.
Installation Tips for SCO OpenServer
Managed Nodes
❏ The ITO agent software is installed on the /opt file tree. An empty
/opt file tree is created during installation of the SCO OpenServer
operating system. By default, this file tree is positioned on the root
file system. If the root file system is too small for the installation of
ITO agents, create a symbolic link before installing ITO. For example:
if /bigdisk is a local file system with enough free space:
mkdir -p /bigdisk/OV
ln -s /bigdisk/OV /opt/OV
In a cluster environment, you must check that /bigdisk is also
accessible from all cluster clients, and that it is mounted from all
client nodes. For example, the local file system /bigdisk on the
cluster client must be mounted to the exported file system /bigdisk
on the cluster server.
Installation Tips for SCO UnixWare Managed
❏ The ITO agent software is installed on the /opt file tree. If there is
not enough space for the installation of the ITO agents, create a
symbolic link before installing ITO. For example: /bigdisk is a local
file system with enough free space:
mkdir -p /bigdisk/OV
ln -s /bigdisk/OV /opt/OV
In cluster environment you must check that /bigdisk is also accessible
from all cluster clients; that it is mounted from all client nodes also.
For example, local file system /bigdisk on cluster client must be
mounted to exported file system /bigdisk on cluster server.
❏ Some of the logfiles that are observed by the ITO logfile encapsulator
are not present by default on UnixWare managed nodes, for example
the logfile /var/adm/messages.