74 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
Installation Tips for NCR UNIX SVR4
Managed Nodes
❏ The system name uname -s must not be set to any of the names AIX,
Solaris, HP-UX, SCO, DYNIX/ptx, OSF/1, Digital UNIX, Reliant
UNIX, SINIX, IRIX, Olivetti, or UnixWare.
❏ If the Multi-User version of UNIX is installed, ITO can be installed
only after networking package WIN-TCP from NCR UNIX SVR4 is
first installed.
❏ If bad login attempts are to be monitored by ITO, file
/var/adm/loginlog must first be manually created. By default,
loginlog does not exist, so no logging is done. To enable logging, the
log file must be created with read and write permission for the owner
root and the group sys. After doing the above, you may configure the
logfile template Bad Logs (NCR UNIX SVR4) for the node.
❏ The ITO agent software is installed on the /opt file tree. If the file
system that hosts the /opt file tree is too small for the installation of
ITO Agents, create a symbolic link before installing ITO. For
example: if /bigdisk is a local file system with enough free space:
mkdir -p /bigdisk/OV
ln -s /bigdisk/OV /opt/OV
In a cluster environment, you must check that /bigdisk is also
accessible from all cluster clients, and that it is mounted from all
client nodes. For example, the local file system /bigdisk on the
cluster client must be mounted to the exported file system /bigdisk
on the cluster server.
Manual NCR UNIX SVR4 Agent Installation
For instructions on how to manually install the NCR Agent, use the
instructions in “Manual Solaris Agent Installation” on page 96.
However, note that the location of the agent package opc_pkg.Z on the
ITO management server for the NCR platform is: