
484 Appendix A
ITO Managed Node APIs and Libraries
ITO APIs for Novell NetWare Managed Nodes
ITO APIs for Novell NetWare Managed
A set of ITO agent APIs is provided for Novell NetWare agents. These
APIs provide inter-process communication between ITO agents and the
custom NLMs; in particular, the parent/child relationship. See Table A-2
on page 484 for more information about these APIs.
Table A-2 ITO APIs on Novell NetWare Managed Nodes
Writing ITO-enabled NetWare
Loadable Modules
An example of an action, HELLO.NLM, is given below. This action is
executed by the ITO action agent and the output is captured as an ITO
#define OPC_NLM
#include “opcnwapi.h”
main( int argc, char **argv )
int handle;
OVnlm_init( argc, argv, &handle );
printf( “%s: Hello world!\n”, argv[0] );
OVnlm_exit( handle, 0 );
Command Description
OVnlm_init() Must be the first function called in the main() function of
an ITO-enabled NetWare Loadable Module (NLM). This
function initializes the ITO related variables and returns
a handle which must be used in all subsequent calls in
this NLM.
OVnlm_exit() Must be used to terminate the execution of ITO-enabled
NLM instead of the usual exit() function.
OVnlm_exit() is required to inform the parent ITO
Agent NLM that the custom NLM has finished and to
provide exit code to the parent.