
Chapter 5 243
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Table 5-26 Encapsulated Logfiles on Windows NT Managed Nodes
There are no preconfigured logfile templates available for OS/2 managed
nodes. However, it is possible to monitor any text file. For example, the
output of remote access daemons such as ftpd, rshd, or telnetd, can
be redirected to a file which can then be monitored by the ITO Logfile
Encapsulator. Logfile templates are easily created in the Message
Source Templates window of the ITO GUI if you know the name and
the full path of the file to be monitored.
SNMP Trap and Event Interception
For details about which traps are intercepted by default, have a look at
the SNMP trap templates in the Message Source Templates window
of the ITO administrator GUI. By default, ITO intercepts SNMP traps
from any application sending traps to the opctrapd daemon running on
the management server and on all managed nodes where the OV trap
daemon (ovtrapd) is running, or where port 162 can be accessed directly.
The ITO event interceptor is supported on the following platforms:
AIX 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 (direct port access mode)
/var/adm/sol_sulog Switch user logfile Su (Solaris)
/var/adm/wtmpx History of logins Logins (Solaris)
Messages generated by the
Solaris kernel
Kernel Logs (Solaris)
Logfile Description Template Name
System Eventlog Logs system events dflt_SysEvlog
Application Eventlog Logs all events of integrated
Security Eventlog Logs all audit information dflt_SecEvlog
SMS Logs all SMS specific NT
Logfile Description Template Name