Chapter 5 259
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Monitoring MIB Objects from other Communities
MIB objects can also be monitored from communities other than public.
To do this, add the following line to the opcinfo file on the managed
node (see Table 10-3 on page 399 for the location of the opcinfo file on
all platforms):
SNMP_COMMUNITY <community>
where <community> is the community for which the snmpd is configured.
If SNMP_COMMUNITY is not set, the default community public is used. See
the documentation supplied with the SNMP daemon for information
about determining the configuration of snmpd.
Templates for External Interfaces
ITO provides an example for calling an external trouble ticket system or
external notification service in:
This script sends a corresponding mail to all operators responsible for
that message.
Customer scripts and programs for calling external interfaces can also be
placed in extern_intf, if it is intended they be erased when
de-installing ITO.
NOTE If your script is a shell script, the first line must contain a statement
such as the following.
Otherwise the execution of your script or program may fail.
By default, no notification is configured. Notification maintenance is
available under the Actions:Utilities->Notification Service…
menu. Again, by default, no trouble ticket system interface is configured
either. You can set up one using the Actions:Utilities->Trouble
Ticket… menu.