
526 Appendix D
ITO Man Pages Listing
Overview of ITO Man Pages
opcsvreg(1M) Registration tool for server
configuration files.
opcsvskm(1M) Secret-key management tool on the
management server.
opcsw(1M) Set the software status flag in the
ITO database.
opctmpldwn(1M) Download and encrypt ITO message
source templates.
opcupgrade(1M) Upgrade an earlier version of ITO to
the current version (A.05.00).
opcwall(1) Send a message to the currently
logged in ITO users.
ovtrap2opc(1M) Convert trapd.conf file and the ITO
template file.
Man Pages for ITO APIs
Man Page Summary
opcmon(3) Forward value of monitored object to
the ITO monitoring agent on the local
managed node.
opcmsg(3) Submit a message to ITO.
Man Pages for the HP OpenView
Man Page Summary
opcservice(1M) Configure the HP OpenView
Man Pages for the ITO Developer’s Kit APIs
Man Page Summary
msiconf(4) Configuration file for the ITO
message manager.