98 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
Activate the agent on the managed node:
1. After manually installing the agent on the node, enter:
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opcactivate <ITO_mgt_server>\
-cs <server_codeset> -cn <agent_codeset>
The agent then attempts to send messages to the management server.
For more information about codesets, see Chapter 8, “ITO Language
Support,” on page 333.
NOTE Use the opcactivate command with the -mode option to activate:
hacmp for ITO agents on AIX HACMP systems. See also
“Installation Prerequisites for AIX HACMP Agents”
on page 58
server/client for ITO agents on AIX Cluster-Client systems after
the ITO agent software package has been installed
on the AIX Cluster Server system. For more
information, see “Manually Activating the ITO
Agent on NFS Cluster Clients” on page 169.
See the man page opcactivate(1m) for more information.
2. After the node is connected to the network execute the following two
commands on the management server:
a. /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsw -installed <node>
b. /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opchbp -start <node>
Problems Caused by Missing OS Patches for Solaris
❏ If version -04 or -05 of patch 101327 is installed, the ITO installation
fails on Solaris managed nodes with the following message:
tar xof ...core dump
To solve this problem, either:
• Install patch version -06 (or later).
• De-install the old patch.
To check which patches are currently installed on Solaris systems,