
Chapter 10 421
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Specific Problems
OS/2 Managed Node Runtime Problems and Solutions
Problem Automatic or operator-initiated action, or scheduled action does not
Description Due to an endless loop programming error the automatic or
operator-initiated action, or scheduled action does not terminate.
Solution Find the programming error in your scripts/programs and restart the
ITO agents after you have fixed the problem.
opcagt.bin.ovopc -start
Problem Critical error message 30-511 when executing scheduled actions.
Description The output of the scheduled action cannot be read correctly.
Solution The scheduled action executes correctly; you can safely ignore this error
Problem Setting the port range for MPE/iX managed nodes has no effect.
Description You can set the port range in the Node Advanced Options window, but
this doesn’t have any effect. MPE/iX managed nodes cannot communicate
with the ITO management server through a firewall.
Solution There is no workaround available.
Problem Action agent cannot redirect stdout and stderr.
Description Action agent cannot redirect stdout and stderr.
Solution Add the parameter OPC_OS2_MAX_NBR_OPEN_FILES to the
\opt\OV\bin\OpC\install\opcinfo file to set the maximum number
of open files to 100 (OS/2 default is 20).