
250 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
by inserting the marker into the text of a TELLOP command.
by inserting the marker into a parameter for calling the PRINTOP
by calling the NMEVENT intrinsic by way of a program.
The NMEV marker string can be placed in TELLOP messages. This can
be useful for generating messages to ITO from within jobs or sessions.
The PRINTOP intrinsic can also be used to send the NMEV marker to the
console from programs. In both cases, the MPE/iX Console Interceptor
processes the message. In all cases, the valid NMEV marker is stripped
from the text of the message before the messages is forwarded to the
message browser.
The NMEVENT intrinsic performs a function similar to opcmsg(3).
Some networking and other third-party applications may use this
intrinsic but it is recommended that all applications that generate ITO
events use the opcmsg(3) call instead of the NMEVENT API.
New NMEV markers may be added to the consdesc file so that ITO can
map user-defined NMEV markers to user-defined ITO message groups,
application and object fields. It is not recommended to create
user-defined IDs because it is possible that the user-defined application
IDs could conflict with HP-defined ID in the future, if HP added entries
to the default consdesc file. The default consdesc file is located in
the following directory on the management server:
This file is compressed and must be uncompressed before you can start
editing it. Place your customized version of this file into the following
directory on the management server, and distribute it using the
Install / Update ITO Software and Configuration window.
You do not need to compress it; ITO does that for you.
After the distribution the file is located at CONSDESC.COMMANDS.OVOPC
on the MPE/iX managed node.
NOTE You must restart the MPE/iX console interceptor on your MPE/iX
managed node to activate the changes in the file