
440 Chapter 10
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
ITO Security
Or locally on each of the managed nodes:
These steps can be repeated if necessary.
NOTE To undo any of the steps you have carried out using the script
opc_sec_register_svr.sh or opc_sec_register.sh , use the
-remove option.
5. Use the ITO GUI to select the appropriate security level for the
managed node or management server using DCE RPCs. By default,
the security level is set to “No Security”. To set or change the security
a. Open the ITO Node Bank window.
b. Click the node whose security level you want to change.
c. Open the following sequence of windows:
Actions:Node->Set Defaults->Advanced Options
if you want to change the default setting for all nodes, or:
Actions:Node->Modify->Advanced Options
if you want to change the default setting for an individual node
d. Fill in the relevant fields in the Communications Parameters
section. ITO’s online help provides guidance on the options
e. Close the Advanced Options window.
f. Click [OK] in the ITO Node Defaults or Node Modify
NOTE Note that the domestic version of DCE (dced.Dom U.S./Canada only)
must be installed. If you select a DCE Security Level in the Node
Advanced Options window, but have no domestic version installed, the
communication between the ITO agent and the management server will
fail. If this happens, set the DCE Security Level to No Authentication
of RPCs, and remove the appropriate entry in the managed node’s
nodeinfo file. Then manually restart the ITO agents.