
268 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
Table 5-38 Example Templates for ITO Flexible Management
Template Name Description
backup-server Defines the responsible managers for an ITO backup server.
Management responsibility can be switched to a backup server if the
ITO primary server fails. This template defines two management
servers (M1) and (M2); management server M2 can act as a backup
server for management server M1.
escmgr Defines the responsible managers for message escalation.
This template defines two management servers (M1) and (M2);
management server M2 has permission to escalate messages, at any
time, to management server M1.
example.m2 Example template combining the follow-the-sun and service-oriented
message distribution functions.
example.m3 Additional example template for the follow-the-sun functions.
followthesun Defines the time templates and responsible managers for ITO
follow-the-sun responsibility switching. This template defines three
management servers (M1), (M2), and (M3) which can switch
responsibility at different times of the day and week.
hierarchy Defines the target management server to which messages can be
escalated in the hierarchical escalation of messages to a central
management server MC.
hier.specmgr Provides an example of hierarchical management responsibility in
which SNMP traps are sent to the local management server; all other
messages are sent to the primary management server.
hier.time.all Provides an example of hierarchical management responsibility
switching between two servers according to a follow-the-sun time
hier.time.spec Provides an example of hierarchical management responsibility in
which SNMP traps are sent to the local management server; all other
messages are sent to the primary management server according to a
follow-the-sun time template.