Endpoint Menu, Views, and Lists Endpoint Operations
Polycom, Inc. 91
Action Use this action to...
Available for all endpoint types
Display all of the Device Details for the selected
Edit Change connection settings for the selected endpoint.
Note that if this is a managed endpoint, the endpoint may
overwrite settings entered manually.
Delete Delete the selected endpoints.
Search Devices Search the list of endpoints by IP range.
Available for only selected endpoint types
Add Manually add an endpoint to the RealPresence Resource
Manager system or find a endpoint on the network.
This command is not available for the following endpoint
types: RealPresence Mobile, RealPresence Desktop and
RealPresence Group systems.
Manage Open the selected endpoint’s management interface in a
separate browser window.
This command is not available for the following endpoint
types: RealPresence Mobile, RealPresence Desktop and
CMA Desktop systems.
Send Message Send a text message (ASCII only, 100 characters
maximum) to the selected endpoint’s video monitor. This
command is not available for the following endpoint
types: TANDBERG, Other, RealPresence Mobile,
RealPresence Desktop and CMA Desktop systems
Clear Help Clear help for the selected endpoint on the RealPresence
Resource Manager system.
Reboot Device Reboot the selected endpoint. This command is only
available for HDX-Series, Group-Series and VSX-Series
endpoints with a Connection Status of Online.
Search Devices Allows you to search for endpoints within a range of IP
addresses. The results message displays the number of
endpoints searched and the number of endpoints found
within the IP range.
This command is not available for the following endpoint
types: RealPresence Mobile, RealPresence Desktop and
RealPresence Group systems.
Manage Owner Edit information for the user (owner) of the selected
endpoint. This command is applicable only when a user is
associated with the endpoint.