Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Outbound Ports Used by the RealPresence
596 Polycom, Inc.
Outbound Ports Used by the RealPresence Resource
Manager System
The following table lists all outbound ports that the RealPresence Resource
Manager system uses to communicate with other systems, including
endpoints, bridges, database servers, and other network equipment.
TCP 3389 Remote desktop
TCP 5222 Presence service (XMPP)
TCP 4449 (Polycom proprietary service) OpenDS (Data store for site
topology) admin port
TCP 8989 (Polycom proprietary service) OpenDS (Data store for site
topology) replication port
Third-party port-scanning software may incorrectly identify the Polycom
proprietary services as IANA-registered services, since identification is made by
port number only and not by the actual protocol being transmitted.
Port Description
Port Description
TCP 20
Used to FTP data to endpoints
TCP 21
TCP/UDP 24 Used to access the telnet interfaces on endpoints
TCP/UDP 25 Used to send E-mail messages to SMTP servers
TCP/UDP 53 Used to access domain name servers (DNS)
TCP 80 Used to access the web application on endpoints
TCP 135
TCP 137
TCP 139
Active Directory (AD) Single Signon (NetBios/NTLM)
TCP/UDP 389 Used to access directory (LDAP) services
TCP 443 Secure access to endpoint devices (SSL) including Polycom
CMA Desktop.
TCP 445 Active Directory Single Sign-on
TCP/UDP 636 Used to access LDAP over TLS/SSL (LDAPS)