Advanced Server Features
See “Configuring Teams” on page 69 to set up the teams.
Configuring Teams
Copy a configuration script from “/etc/basp/samples” directory to “/etc/basp”
The configuration script must be prefixed with “team-”.
Modify the configuration script to:
change the team type
add/delete physical network interfaces
add/delete virtual network interfaces
The syntax of the configuration script can be found below.
Manually start the team for the first time by typing:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/basp start
Run “netcfg” to configure the IP addresses of the virtual network interfaces.
If “netcfg” does not run, enter following command:
% ifconfig sw0 up
Consult ifconfig(8) for details in manually configuring a network interface.
Makefile makefile
baspcfg precompiled configuration utility
bcmtype.h commonly use type header file
blf.c Advanced Server Features module entry points
blf.h ioctl interface
blfcore.h core interface
blfcore.o precompiled core object
blfopt.h automatically generated header file from Make
blfver.h version header file
nicext.h NICE header file
pal.c platform abstraction implementation
pal.h header for platform abstraction
release.txt this file
nice-2.2.16 contains NICE enabled driver sources code
scripts contains sample scripts
scripts/basp init script, goes to /etc/rc.d/init.d
scripts/baspteam start/stop script, goes to /etc/basp
scripts/baspif start/stop network, i/f, goes to /etc/basp
scripts/team-sample sample script of SLB team with three NICs
scripts/team-gec sample script of GEC team with three NICs
Starting the team is only required for the first time. Teams will be started
automatically in subsequent reboots.