EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
4. Set The Switch Port Type
5. Set Trunk port
6. Set Access port
7. Disable/Enable VLAN Ingress Rules
9.2.2 VLAN Configuration Commands vlan
Command: vlan <vlan-id>
no vlan <vlan-id>
Function: Creates a VLAN and enters VLAN configuration mode. In VLAN Mode, the user can
Command Explanation
switchport interface <interface-list>
no switchport interface <interface-list>
Assigns Switch ports to a VLAN
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
switchport mode {trunk|access}
Sets the current port as a Trunk or Access port.
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
switchport trunk allowed vlan {<vlan-list>|all}
no switchport trunk allowed vlan
Sets/deletes VLAN allowed to be
crossed by Trunk.
switchport trunk native vlan <vlan-id>
no switchport trunk native vlan
Sets/deletes PVID for Trunk port.
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
switchport access vlan <vlan-id>
no switchport access vlan
Adds the current port to specified VLAN
or exits the specified VLANs.
Command Explanation
Global Mode
vlan ingress disable
no vlan ingress enabledisable
Disables/Enable VLAN ingress rules