Accton Technology ES4710BD Switch User Manual

EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch Client’s default gateway configuration
Click “DHCP configuration”, “DHCP server configuration”, “Client's default gateway
configuration” to configure the default gateway for DHCP client. Same as CLI command
z DHCP pool name – selects one DHCP address pool
z Gateway – default gateway, default gateway’s IP address and DHCP client’s IP address in the
same segment. The switch maximum supports 8 gateway addresses. The headmost configured
gateway address, or address 1, has the highest priority, then address2, address3, etc.
Example: Select DHCP pool name as 1, configure Gateway 1 as 10.128.1. 3, configure Gateway 2
as and then click the Apply button to apply this configuration to the switch. Client dns server configuration
Click “DHCP configuration”, “DHCP server configuration”, “Client DNS server configuration” to
configure the DNS server for the DHCP client. Same as CLI command
z DHCP pool name – choose one DHCP address pool
z DNS server – DNS server. The system maximum supports 8 DNS server addresses. The
headmost configured DNS server address, address1, has the highest priority, then address2,
address3, etc.
Example: Choose DHCP pool name as 1. Configure DNS server 1 as Click the Apply
button to apply this configuration to switch.