Accton Technology ES4710BD Switch User Manual

EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
Fig 19-3 DVMRP network topology
The followings are the configurations of SwitchA and SwitchB.
(1) Configuration of SWITCHA:
Switch (Config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip dvmrp enable
(2) Configuration of SWITCHB:
Switch (Config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip dvmrp enable
Switch (Config)#interface vlan 2
Switch(Config-If-Vlan2)# ip dvmrp enable
19.5.4 DVMRP Troubleshooting Help
1. Monitor and debug commands
2. DVMRP troubleshooting help Monitor and Debug Commands show ip dvmrp mroute
Command: show ip dvmrp mroute
Function: Displays the DVMRP packet forwarding entries..
Parameters: N/A.
Default: Not displayed.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Usage Guide: This command is used to display DVMRP multicast forwarding entries, or the
forwarding entries in the system FIB table for forwarding multicast packets.
Switch# show ip dvmrp mroute
BIT Proto: DVMRP 0x2, PIM 0x8, PIMSM 0x10, PIMDM 0x20;
Flags: RPT 0x1, WC 0x2, SPT 0x4, NEG CACHE 0x8, JOIN SUPP 0x10;
Downstream: IGMP 0x1, NBR 0x2, WC 0x4, RP 0x8, STATIC 0x10;
DVMRP Multicast Routing Table, inodes 1 routes 1:
(,, protos: 0x2, flags: 0x0
Incoming interface : Vlan1, RPF Nbr, pref 0, metric 1