Agilent Technologies ES Switch User Manual

6-40 LAN Interface Supplement
Controlling the Analyzer via the LAN
Controlling the Analyzer with a Java™ Applet
// Return the status of the socket, open or close.
public boolean SockOpen(int s)
return sockOpen[s];
//************* Socket I/O routines.
//*** I/O routines for SCPI socket
// Write an ASCII string with carriage return to SCPI socket
public void ScpiWriteLine(String command)
if ( SockOpen(SCPI) ) {
// Read an ASCII string, terminated with carriage return
// from SCPI socket
public String ScpiReadLine()
try {
if ( SockOpen(SCPI) ) {
return sockIn[SCPI].readLine();
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Scpi Read Line Error "+e.getMessage());