Chapter 2: Installation
Warning: This unit might have more than one power source. To
reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect all power sources
before servicing the unit.
If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating
ambient temperature of the rack environment may be greater
than the room ambient temperature. Therefore, consideration
should be given to installing the equipment in an environment
compatible with the manufacturer’s maximum rated ambient
temperature (Tmra).
Caution: Installation of the equipment in a rack should be such
that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the
equipment is not compromised.
Warning: Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should
be maintained. Particular attention should be given to supply
connections other than direct connections to the branch circuits
(e.g., use of power strips).
Warning: To reduce the risk of electric shock, the PoE ports on
this product must not connect to cabling that is routed outside
the building where this device is located.