APC UPS control system Power Supply User Manual

commfailure This event is generated each time the communications line
with the computer is severed. This event is not detected on dumb
signaling UPSes.
Default -does a printf ‘‘Warning serial port communications
with UPS lost.’’ | wall then exits.
commok After a commfailure event is issued, when the communications
to the computer is re-established, this event will be generated.
Default does a printf ‘‘Serial communications with UPS
restored.’’ | wall then exits.
doreboot This event is depreciated and should not be used.
Default - does a reboot of the system by calling shutdown -h now
doshutdown When the UPS is running on batteries and one of the limits
expires (time, run, load), this event is generated to cause the machine
to shutdown.
Default does a shutdown of the system by calling shutdown -h now
emergency Does an emergency shutdown of the system by calling
shutdown -h now
failing This event is generated when the UPS is running on batteries and
the battery power is exhausted. The event following this one will be
a shutdown.
Default does a printf ‘‘UPS battery power exhausted.
Doing shutdown.\n’’ | wall then exits.
loadlimit This event is generated when the battery charge is below the
low limit specified in the apcupsd.conf file.
Default does a printf ‘‘UPS battery discharge limit
reached. Doing shutdown.\n’’ | wall then exits. After com-
pleting this event, apcupsd will immediately initiate a doshutdown
mainsback This event is generated when the mains power returns after
a powerout condition. The shutdown event may or may not have
been generated depending on the paramaters you have defined and
the length of the power outage. A cancel of a shutdown should never
be attempted as it is very unlikely to succeed and will almost surely
leave your machine in a indeterminate state.
Default — attempts to cancel the shutdown with a shutdown -c (not
sure about that!!!!)