
Installation from Source
Installation from source might have to be be done different ways depending
on what system you are running. The basic procedure involves getting a
source distribution, running the configuration, rebuilding, and installing.
The basic installation from a tar source file is rather simple:
1. Unpack the source code from its tar archive.
2. Go into the directory containing the source code.
3. Run ./configure (with appropriate options as described below)
4. make
5. su (i.e. become root)
6. Stop any running instance of apcupsd. The command to do this will
look like <system-dependent-path>/apcupsd stop
7. uninstall any old apcupsd This is important since the default install
locations may have changed.
8. make install
9. edit your /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf file if necessary
10. ensure that your halt script is properly updated
11. Start the new apcupsd with: <system-dependent-path>/apcupsd
If all goes well, the ./configure will correctly determine which oper-
ating system you are running and configure the source code appropri-
ately. configure currently recognizes the systems listed below in the
Operating System Specifics section of this chapter and adapts the config-
uration appropriately. Check that the configuration report printed at the
end of the configure process corresponds to your choice of directories, op-
tions, and that it has correctly detected your operating system. If not,
redo the configure with the appropriate options until your configuration is
Please note that a number of the configure options preset apcupsd.conf di-
rective values in an attempt to automatically adapt apcupsd as best possible
to your system. You can change the values in apcupsd.conf at a later time