
4) Monitor Battery Calibration progress
5) Program EEPROM
6) Enter TTY mode communicating with UPS
7) Quit
Select function number:
You might want to run option 1) just to ensure that apctest is properly
talking to your UPS. It will produce quite about 70 lines of output.
To program the EEPROM, select option 5), and you will get the EEPROM
menu as follows:
This is the EEPROM programming section of apctest.
Please select the function you want to perform.
1) Print EEPROM values
2) Change Battery date
3) Change UPS name
4) Change sensitivity
5) Change alarm delay
6) Change low battery warning delay
7) Change wakeup delay
8) Change shutdown delay
9) Change low transfer voltage
10) Change high transfer voltage
11) Change battery return threshold percent
12) Change output voltage when on batteries
13) Change the self test interval
14) Set EEPROM with conf file values
15) Quit
Select function number:
If you wish to use the old pre-3.10.x method of EEPROM programming
with values specified in the apcupsd.conf file, select option 14). However,
we recommend that you start with item 1) to see what EEPROM values
apctest finds. This command can take a few minutes to run, so be patient.
The values printed should be the same as what you got using apcaccess, but
in addition, the EEPROM battery date and UPS Name should be displayed.
For example:
Select function number: 1
Doing prep_device() ...