APC UPS control system Power Supply User Manual

look at the “Shutdown grace delay”.
Shutdown Sequence
If you experienced so problems with the above testing procedures, or if you
are porting apcupsd to another system, or you are simply curious, you may
want to know exactly what is going on during the shutdown process. If so,
please see the Shutdown Sequence (see Shutdown Sequence <1>) section of
this manual.
apctest is a program that allows you to talk directly to your UPS and run cer-
tain low-level tests, display all know values from the UPS’s EEPROM, per-
form a battery runtime calibration, program the EEPROM (serial connec-
tion only), and enter in TTY mode with the UPS. Here we describe how to
use it for a USB or apcsmart UPS; see Using apctest on Serial-Line UPSses
for a description of how to use it with a voltage-signalling UPS.
Shutdown apcupsd if it is running. Make sure your
/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf file has UPSTYPE smart and UP-
SCABLE has one of the smart cables that are supported.
Normally apctest will have been built but not installed, so you must execute
it from the <apcupsd-source>/src directory. You can explicitly build it on
Unix with:
cd <apcupsd-source-directory>
make apctest
or on Windows systems with:
make apctestwin32
It will read your installed apcupsd.conf configuration (so it knows where to
find the UPS) and then it will present you with the following output: