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Notes: Notes:
1. The SN238 and TN726 circuit packs provide the same signal leads as the ADU/MADU.
2. This lead is ignored in MODE 2 operation.
3. These leads are tied together on this terminal.
4. This lead is used for speed mode indication.
5. These leads are provided on PC 6300s that have the Z8530 SCC option.
6. This lead is used for remote loopback.
7. This lead functions as the ring indicator.
8. This lead functions as the Make Busy/Local Loopback signal and must be connected to pin 18 or
pin 25 of the interface connector. This permits a make-busy signal to be transmitted from the
computer to the MADU.
9. This lead functions as the CU circuit (speed select).
10. This lead is used for receive current loop return.
11. This lead is the CM circuit for Output and the TM circuit for Input.
12. This lead is the CM circuit for Input and the TM circuit for Output.