Chapter 6 Avaya P130 CLI
Avaya P130 User’s Guide 121
ip access-list Command
Use the ip access-list command to create a specific policy rule. This
command defines a policy rule. The access list contains several of these rules. Each
rule pertains to the source IP address, the destination IP address, the protocol, the
protocol ports (if relevant), and to the ACK bit (if relevant). To delete a specific rule,
use the no form of this command.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] [ip] access-list <access-list-number> <access-list-index>
<command> <protocol> {<source-ip>
<source-wildcard> | any |host
<source-ip>}[<operator> <port> [<port]]
{<destination-ip> <destination-
wildcard>|any |host
<destination-ip>}[<operator> <port>
[<port>]][established] [precedence]
P130-1# ip access-list 100 2 fwd5 tcp host host
P130-1# ip access-list 100 3 fwd7 udp any any eq 25
<access-list-number> Integer (100..199)
<access-list-index> Integer (1...9999)
<command> permit | deny | deny-and-notify | fwd0-7
<protocol> ip | tcp | udp | integer (1..255)
<source-ip> IP network
<source-wildcard> IP network wildcard
<operator> eq | lt | gt | range
<port> Integer (1..65535)
<destination-ip> IP network
<destination-wildcard> IP network wildcard
<precedence> mandatory | optional]