Avaya P130 User’s Guide 131
Installing the On-Line Help and Java Plug-In on your Web Site
Note: This procedure is optional.
Copying the help files and Java plug-in to a local Web server allows users to access
the on-line help for the Embedded Manager and enables automatic installation of
the Java plug-in the first time the users tries to manage the device.
1Copy the emweb-aux-files directory from the “P130 Documentation and
Utilities” CD to your local Web server. Following is a list of instructions for
Windows NT. If your Web server is not an NT server please refer to your Web
server documentation for full instructions.
aClick Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Peer Web Services (Common)
-> Internet Services Manager.
b Double-click on the WWW service – this will open the WWW service
c Choose the Directories tab and click on Add.
d In the Directory field enter the full Path to the emweb-aux-files you
copied in step 1.
e In the Alias field under the Virtual Directory option type:
emweb-aux-files and click OK.
f Close all open windows.
2 Define the URL in the P130 using the following CLI command:
set web aux-files-url IP address/directory name
where IP address/directory name is the location of the directory from
the previous step.
The Device Manager comes with a detailed User’s Guide including a Glossary of
Terms and an overview of Data Communications concepts.
Software Download
You can perform software download using the CLI or Avaya Update Manager (part
of the MultiService Network Manager Suite).